I just finished attending an online ” virtual summit ”
wherein the distinguished academic speakers from such
notable institutions as Johns Hopkins Medical Center,
Columbia University College of Medicine, and Cedar Sinai
Medical Center, are pointing out that the average time that
the primary care practitioner physicians can spend on weight loss and nutrition counseling is about 3 minutes /office visit !!!! No wonder patients are finding such difficulty in managing their weight and making the appropriate lifestyle choices a priority in their lives !
This is such a human tragedy since proper nutrition can produce such significant alleviation of risk proclivity toward chronic diseases rampant in our society. I am referring to the risk of stroke which could be reduced by 14% with just a 5% reduction in excess weight, along with a 9% drop in heart disease risk. An 8% drop in excess weight can rectify dyslipidemia,( high low density lipoprotein levelsand high triglyceride levels)… which additionally reducesthe risk of heart attack and sudden death from multiplecauses.Furthermore the rate of development of Type 2 diabetes mellitus, with its ” Pandora’s Box ” of ugly sequelae including retinal disease, renal failure, dementia, cardiovascular disease and chronic wound healing issues could largely be prevented with appropriate dietary intervention and drop in visceral ( deep organ layer ) fat. America is the richest nation on earth…and yet we arebeset with these preventable chronic disease rates
For our own best future lives… WE MUST RESOLVE TO
DO BETTER ! Call me if you are ready to change course in your life so that YOU can fully enjoy YOUR future.Where is the joy in a retirement which requires you to be tethered to a ” short chain ” so that you can readily access your cardiologist, diabetes specialist, rheumatologist,and ophthalmologist ? ____ Pamela Silver, MD